#18 – We're the Clock Destroyers (Thief of Time Pt. 3)

Episode Notes

Happy Hogswatch/New Year/End of January!!

Join us as we discuss the end of Thief of Time and sadpost about 2022.

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#16 – Ballgasm Autumn (Thief of Time Pt.1)

Episode Notes

We hope you have a good TIME listening to this podcast

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#14 – Deep Bone (The Truth Pt. 2)

Episode Notes

Let's talk about journalism, which we are normal about.

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Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/rZzbbQp

#12 – Mein Shaft (Fifth Elephant Pt.3)

Episode Notes

There's knotting wrong with us.

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Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/rZzbbQp

#10 – Kids on Their Damn Clacks (The Fifth Elephant Pt. 1)

Episode Notes

We're back for not the 1st, 2nd, 3rd of 4th elephants... but the 5th one.

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Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/rZzbbQp